
Our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution is a type of business management software that integrates and automates core business processes such as finance, manufacturing, supply chain, procurement, and human resources. An ERP system typically provides a single source of truth for data across the organization and streamlines workflows, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

Key Modules

Simplify ERP system's administration with our comprehensive System Administration Module. This all-in-one solution empowers you to manage your organizational profile effortlessly, ensuring a consistent brand image and updated contact information. Simultaneously, it enables user management with strong password security, guaranteeing that only authorized personnel can access your system. Further, role-based access control fine-tunes access levels, safeguarding sensitive data while maximizing operational efficiency.

  • Effortlessly configure organization details, user profiles, and roles for seamless operations.
  • Enhanced Security: Protect your system with strong password security and role-based access control, ensuring that your data remains secure.
  • Efficient User Management: Easily add, modify, or delete user accounts, streamlining your workforce management and increasing productivity.
  • Data Integrity: Role-based access control prevents unauthorized access, maintaining data integrity and consistency
  • Consistent Branding: Manage your organizational profile to project a professional and consistent brand image, building trust with clients and partners.
  • Contact Information Maintenance: Keep your contact information up to date, ensuring seamless communication with stakeholders and clients.

Our ERP's Contact Module simplifies contact management to help you build stronger relationships. It lets you store essential contact details and use them for personalized interactions. You can easily assign contacts to the right team members and track their journey from potential leads to loyal clients. Plus, you can schedule and track communications through emails or physical meetings, making sure you never miss important conversations.

  • Efficiently centralize contacts from various sources and nurture them through different stages.
  • Personalized Interactions: Easily access contact details for personalized communication, making your relationships stronger.
  • Efficient Contact Nurturing: Assigning contacts and tracking their progress ensures that potential leads get the attention they need.
  • Improved Communication: Keep track of all interactions, whether through emails or in-person meetings, to stay in touch effectively.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Use data insights to make better business decisions and improve your strategies.
  • Time and Resource Efficiency: Streamlined contact management saves time and resources, allowing you to focus on building and growing your network.

In our ERP's Campaign Module, we offer a one-stop solution for seamless campaign management. This module streamlines campaign-specific master data management, media handling, and diverse campaign creation with predefined objectives, schedules, and budgets. It enables you to track responses efficiently, helping you make data-driven decisions to enhance your marketing efforts.

  • Effortlessly create and deliver marketing materials to contacts at various stages of engagement.
  • Streamlined Campaign Management: Manage campaigns efficiently, saving time and resources while maximizing your marketing efforts.
  • Campaign-Specific Data Management: Easily access and update campaign-specific data, ensuring that your campaigns are always up-to-date and accurate.
  • Media Management: Handle various media for your campaigns in one place, simplifying media selection and usage.
  • Objective-Driven Campaigns: Create diverse campaigns with predefined objectives, ensuring that every campaign aligns with your strategic goals.
  • Response Tracking: Track campaign responses to analyze their effectiveness and make informed decisions for future campaigns.

The Product Module in our ERP offers a comprehensive solution for efficient product management. It empowers you with product-specific master data management that allows easy classification and categorization of products under different departments, divisions, brands, category levels, and types. This module streamlines product catalog management, enabling you to provide detailed product information and showcase images, along with multiple variations and options. Additionally, you can efficiently track product reviews and feedback, making it easy to improve your products and enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Manage and promote product information while tracking valuable feedback.
  • Streamlined Product Management: Manage products efficiently and keep them organized, saving time and ensuring data accuracy.
  • Detailed Product Catalog: Showcase your products effectively with detailed information and images, helping customers make informed choices.
  • Variation and Options: Present your products in different variations and with multiple options, catering to a wide range of customer preferences.
  • Product Feedback: Track product reviews and feedback to make necessary improvements and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately boosting your business.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Use insights from product reviews and feedback to make informed decisions for product enhancements and marketing strategies.

Our ERP's Purchase Module is designed to simplify the entire procurement process. This comprehensive module offers supplier and purchase-specific master data management, enabling you to categorize and organize suppliers while managing key contact information. It also provides a repository for saving supplier communication details. In cases where suppliers need to interact with the ERP system, we offer supplier user management.

  • Effectively monitor purchase-related activities and track essential transaction data.
  • Supplier and Purchase Data Management: Efficiently manage and organize supplier and purchase data, ensuring you have easy access to essential information.
  • Contact Information Management: Maintain key contact information about your suppliers and their businesses, promoting smooth communication and relationship-building.
  • Supplier Communication Repository: Save important communication details with your suppliers, ensuring you have a record of all interactions.
  • Supplier User Management: Facilitate supplier interaction with your ERP system, streamlining communication and collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Purchase Flow Management: From enquiries and quotes to order management, shipment tracking, invoices, returns, and payment processing, our Purchase Module streamlines every step of the procurement process, ensuring efficiency and accuracy at every stage.

Our ERP's Inventory Module provides an integrated solution for efficient inventory management. It includes features like inventory-specific master data management, stock keeping units (SKUs), stock locations, and inventory transactions. It also covers stock in, stock out, and stock transfer activities, as well as stock audits and adjustments. Moreover, it allows you to establish minimum and maximum inventory levels for effective inventory control.

  • Efficiently oversee product stock maintenance activities and keep inventory information up to date.
  • Inventory Data Management: Efficiently manage and categorize inventory data, ensuring accurate and accessible information for all your products.
  • Stock Keeping Units (SKUs): Streamline product identification and organization with SKUs, making it easier to track and manage your inventory..
  • Inventory Location Management: Keep track of inventory across multiple locations, optimizing storage and distribution.
  • Inventory Transactions: Easily handle stock in, stock out, and stock transfer activities to maintain accurate stock levels.
  • Stock Audits and Adjustments: Regularly audit and make necessary adjustments to your inventory to maintain accuracy and prevent discrepancies.
  • Inventory Level Control: Set minimum and maximum inventory levels to ensure efficient inventory control and avoid overstock or shortages.

Our ERP's Logistics Module is your solution for comprehensive logistics management. It offers features such as warehouse and transport-specific master data management, streamlining logistics data organization. This module also covers essential warehouse management activities, including space utilization, picking and packing, and order tracking. On the transport side, it provides operation planning, scheduling, and tracking, with features like route optimization and carrier selection. Real-time tracking of shipments ensures that you can monitor the movement of goods at every stage of their lifecycle with precision.

  • Track the movement of goods at every stage of their lifecycle with precision.
  • Efficient Data Management: Manage warehouse and transport data efficiently, ensuring that information is well-organized and easily accessible.
  • Warehouse Management Activities: Optimize space utilization, streamline picking and packing processes, and accurately track orders for efficient warehouse management.
  • Transport Operation Planning: Plan and schedule transport operations, including route optimization and carrier selection, to ensure on-time deliveries.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor the movement of goods in real-time, enhancing visibility and control over your supply chain.
  • Precise Order Fulfillment: Ensure precise and on-time order fulfillment, enhancing customer satisfaction and building trust.

Our ERP's Trade Sales Module offers a comprehensive solution for efficient trade sales management. It includes features like customer and trade sale-specific master data management, enabling you to categorize and organize customers while managing key contact information. It also provides a repository for saving customer communication details. In cases where customers need to interact with your ERP system, we offer customer user management.

  • Simplify sales process tracking and maintain vital sales data for your business.
  • Customer and Trade Sale Data Management: Efficiently manage and categorize customer and trade sale data, ensuring accurate and accessible information for your sales operations.
  • Contact Information Management: Maintain key contact information about your customers and their businesses, promoting smooth communication and relationship-building.
  • Customer Communication Repository: Save important communication details with your customers, ensuring you have a record of all interactions.
  • Customer User Management: Facilitate customer interaction with your ERP system, streamlining communication and collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Trade Sale Flow Management: From inquiries and quotations to order management, dispatch tracking, invoicing, returns, receipts, and refunds, our Trade Sales Module streamlines every step of the sales process, ensuring efficiency and accuracy at every stage.

Our ERP's Store Sales Module offers a comprehensive solution for efficient in-store sales management. It includes features like store sale-specific master data management, enabling you to organize and manage data specific to each store. This module also provides tools for store information management, user access and login management, and in-store sales processes, such as sales, returns, receipts, refunds, and other store-related transactions. Additionally, it empowers you to track customer behavior by monitoring foot traffic, dwell time, path tracking, and conversion rates during store sessions.

  • Optimize store sales and footfall management effortlessly.
  • Store-Specific Data Management: Efficiently manage and categorize data related to each store, ensuring accurate and accessible information for your in-store operations.
  • Comprehensive Store Information: Manage and organize essential store information, making it easier to maintain consistent store data and brand identity.
  • User Access and Login Management: Facilitate user access to the ERP system, ensuring that the right individuals can effectively manage in-store operations.
  • Seamless Sales and Transaction Handling: Simplify in-store sales processes, including sales, returns, receipts, refunds, and other transactions, streamlining your retail operations.
  • Customer Behavior Tracking: Gain insights into customer behavior by monitoring foot traffic, dwell time, path tracking, and conversion rates during store sessions, helping you improve customer experience and optimize sales strategies.

Our ERP's Ecommerce Module is your comprehensive solution for effective online business management. It includes features like ecommerce product and order-specific master data management, streamlining data organization for products and orders. You can easily manage product images and user master data in a dedicated gallery. Additionally, this module covers product and variant information, product review management, stock management, order processing, and tracking. It also offers tools for configuring public pages, company branding, and contact information, as well as shop settings, including banners, deals, social links, and basic SEO management, to enhance your online store's visibility and user experience.

  • Showcase products online, monitor order processing, and track deliveries from one admin panel.
  • Product and Order Master Data Management: Efficiently manage and categorize data for products and status of orders, ensuring accurate and accessible information for your online business.
  • Product, and Variant Information: Easily upload and manage images for products and user masters, streamline product and variant information, and present your offerings attractively to online shoppers.
  • Product Review Management: Collect and manage product reviews, fostering trust among potential buyers.
  • Stock Management: Keep track of inventory levels and ensure products are available when customers need them.
  • Public Interface Configuration: Customize public pages with your company branding, contact information, and shop settings like banners, deals, social links, and basic SEO to enhance your online store's visibility and user experience, ultimately driving sales and growth.

Our ERP's E-POS Module is your go-to solution for efficient and streamlined point of sale operations. It includes features like E-POS product and order-specific master data management, facilitating data organization for products and orders. You can also categorize and tag products, creating a comprehensive product management system complete with QR codes. Manage product prices, taxes, discounts, and promotions with ease. Customize receipts to suit your brand and enhance the customer experience. This module provides a user-friendly POS interface for processing sales, supporting both QR code scanning and manual entry. It also covers refund and return processing, order and receipt printing, multiple payment methods, and inventory control with minimum and maximum values. Customer’s purchase history is managed, making it easy to retrieve and reference in future sales.

  • Effortlessly scan barcodes, accept payments, and print receipts at a single point for efficient transactions.
  • Product and Order Data Management: Efficiently manage and categorize data for products and orders, ensuring accurate and accessible information for your point-of-sale operations.
  • Categorized and Tagged Product Management with QR Codes: Create a comprehensive product management system with categorization, tags, and QR codes, simplifying product identification and sales processes.
  • Price, Tax, Discount, and Promotion Management: Seamlessly manage product prices, taxes, discounts, and promotions, providing flexibility and accuracy in pricing and sales.
  • Customizable Receipts: Enhance the customer experience by customizing receipts with your brand identity and relevant information.
  • Intuitive POS Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly POS interface for effortless sales processing, supporting both QR code scanning and manual entry.
  • Refund and Return Processing: Manage refunds and returns with ease, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free customer experience.
  • Order and Receipt Printing: Quickly generate and print orders and receipts to provide customers with a physical record of their purchase.
  • Multiple Payment Methods: Accept various payment methods, making it convenient for customers and increasing your sales flexibility.
  • Inventory Control: Maintain control over your inventory by setting minimum and maximum values, preventing stockouts or overstock situations.
  • Customer Purchase History Management: Store and retrieve customer purchase history, enabling personalized service and informed sales interactions for future transactions.

Our ERP's Accounting Module offers a comprehensive solution for effective financial management. It includes features like accounting-specific master data management, ensuring accurate and accessible financial information. Create and manage a chart of accounts that aligns with your financial structure, making financial reporting more intuitive. This module streamlines accounts payable and accounts receivable management, facilitating efficient management of incoming and outgoing funds. Additionally, it provides access to key financial statements, including the trial balance, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Easily handle credit and debit notes, as well as bank reconciliation statements. You can also maintain detailed day books and cash books for transparent financial record-keeping, providing a comprehensive view of your financial transactions.

  • Manage financial data and generate statutory financial statements seamlessly.
  • Efficient Data Management: Streamline and organize financial data, ensuring accurate and accessible information for your accounting operations.
  • Chart of Accounts: Create and manage a chart of accounts that aligns with your financial structure, making financial reporting more intuitive.
  • Accounts Payable and Receivable Management: Efficiently manage incoming and outgoing funds with streamlined accounts payable and accounts receivable management.
  • Key Financial Statements: Access critical financial statements, including the trial balance, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, providing insights for informed financial decisions.
  • Credit and Debit Notes: Easily handle credit and debit notes, facilitating accurate financial records and transactions.
  • Bank Reconciliation Statements: Reconcile your bank statements efficiently, ensuring your financial records align with your bank accounts.
  • Day Books and Cash Books: Maintain detailed day books and cash books for transparent financial record-keeping, providing a comprehensive view of your financial transactions.

Our ERP's Taxation Module offers a simplified solution for effective tax management. It includes features like tax-specific master data management, ensuring accurate and accessible tax-related information. You can easily manage percentage taxes with defined effective periods. This module also allows for the management of multiple tax rates, such as state-wide and central-wide taxes, providing comprehensive control over your tax obligations.

  • Track applicable taxes and analyze their impact with precision.
  • Streamlined Tax Data Management: Efficiently organize and categorize tax-related data, ensuring accuracy and accessibility for your taxation operations.
  • Percentage Tax Management: Manage percentage taxes with ease, defining effective periods and staying compliant with tax regulations.
  • Multiple Tax Management: Handle various tax rates, including state-wide and central-wide taxes, providing comprehensive control over your tax obligations and ensuring compliance.

Our ERP's Human Resource Module offers a comprehensive solution for efficient HR management. It includes features like HR-specific master data management, ensuring accurate and accessible HR-related information. You can easily manage employee information, maintaining a well-organized database of your workforce. This module simplifies calendar year management, allowing you to set working days, holidays, and timings.

Additionally, it provides tools for employee task time sheet management, attendance and leave management, and streamlined salary slip generation, making HR processes more efficient.

  • Human Resource.
  • Efficient HR Data Management: Organize and categorize HR-related data efficiently, ensuring accuracy and accessibility for your HR operations.
  • Employee Information Management: Maintain a comprehensive database of employee information, facilitating effective HR processes and decision-making.
  • Calendar Year Management: Easily manage working days, holidays, and timings, providing clarity and structure to your HR scheduling.
  • Employee Task Time Sheet Management: Track and manage employee tasks and time sheets, enhancing productivity and project management.
  • Attendance and Leave Management: Streamline attendance tracking and leave management, ensuring transparency and accuracy in employee time management.
  • Salary Slip Generation: Generate salary slips with ease, simplifying the payroll process and ensuring accurate compensation for your workforce.

Our ERP's Analytics Module empowers you with a comprehensive data analytics solution. It includes features such as data warehouse maintenance for operational ERP data from all modules, providing a unified data repository for holistic analysis. This module further enhances your business intelligence capabilities by enabling the development and deployment of customized BI solutions for each required business function, ensuring you have the right insights to drive informed decisions.

  • Gain valuable business insights, monitor KPIs, and receive alerts based on preset benchmarks for data-driven decision-making.
  • Unified Data Repository: Maintain a centralized data warehouse that aggregates information from all ERP modules, offering a comprehensive view of your business data.
  • Tailored Business Intelligence: Develop and deploy customized business intelligence solutions for each business function, ensuring that decision-makers have the right insights at their fingertips.
  • Some of our Example Reports:
  • User and Roles Report
  • User Activity Dashboard
  • Contact Engagement Dashboard
  • Conversion Funnel Analysis
  • Campaign Performance Analytics
  • ROI Analysis for Campaigns
  • Product Catalogue Report
  • Purchase Analysis
  • Inventory Turnover and Stock Levels
  • Stock Location and Movement Report
  • Shipment Tracking and Optimization
  • Warehouse Efficiency Analytics
  • Sales Performance Dashboard
  • In-Store Sales Analysis
  • Foot Traffic and Customer Behavior Report
  • Online Sales and Conversion Rate Analytics
  • Product Sales by Category and Promotion Effectiveness
  • Point of Sale Transaction Report
  • POS Inventory Management and Sales Report
  • Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, P&L, Cash Flow)
  • Expense Analysis and Profitability Report
  • Tax Liability Report
  • Tax Compliance Dashboard
  • Employee Attendance and Time sheet Tracker

With RetailERP Pro, you can unlock the full potential of your retail business, streamline operations, and make informed decisions to drive growth and success. Get started with the future of retail management today.

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